Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Life Update

Haven't been on for a while, but only because nothing is happening. Very recently however I have been practicing with Calen and Kiminori for a music/band thing. We have officially been signed up for our first Live show. It is on the 19th of March, and it is apporaching really fast. This is considering that we have only rehearsed for 4 hours, and only have like 2.5 songs written. Sorta bad, since we have 30 mintues to do our set. We are probably going to put in some covers so it shouldn't be a problem, but this will be slightly more pressure than the school festival band thing. Also, it cost us $150 to enter, so we need to sell at least 15 tickets to break even. And that doesn't cover the cost for practice in the studio. I currently have 10 tickets to sell, and only 1 which has been bought, but I am confident that I can pull together all my resources and sell all 10 plus some more. My goal is to cover studio charges too!!! Other than that, I am sitting around studying, or as of this week, avoiding I-house cleaning duties *heh heh* Now I need sleep. I'll write sooner than later.


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