Long Time No See
Meaghan is coming back in only 3 days. She ahs been living in Fukuoka, Japan since September attending Seinan Gakuin University on a fully-year exchange. OF course by full-year, they mean full school year, since it is technically only about 9 months that she has been there. It seems like its been so long since September though. I can barely remember the crappy classes I took, like Phonetics and Typology. God, but I can remember the crappy, wet weather I would always have to come to class in. Anyway, it has been a very long time since I have seen my sister, the longest time I have ever gone without seeing her, and I look forward to her return. I have been reading her blog and looking at her pictures, talking over MSN, talking on the phone on occasion, and writing letters to her, so I am up to date as to what has happened to her in moderate detail, but I know she will have way more to talk about when we finally see her in person. When I got back from Japan after two weeks, it was amazing how much I had to talk about, but she has to remenisce about 9 freakin months.
June is approaching, which means it is only a matter of time until I find out if I will be spending a good portion of next year in Fukuoka or not. We were told that we should get word sometime in June about our acceptance, so the only thing I can do is bug the ISS at school(in progress) and email Seinan Gakuin (also in progress). Then there are only a few things I need to do. Start studying Japanese again hardcore, and keep making money, anyway I can.... ANY way. I plan on focussing on my reading skills, both speed and kanji. I think this will pay off the most since I will need to read as soon as I arrive. I am going to leave my speaking until I arrive for the most part as that is the best way to practice. With Japanese people, who speak Japanese.
On a less optimistic note, I have come to terms that there is a chance I may not get in. I realize if this comes to be there is some good with the bad. I will have accumulated a large sum of savings with which I plan on investing if I don't get in(*knocks on wood*), I will get to go to Mac with Meaghan, and probably take classes with her, and I will get to spend more time with everyone I met this year at the university.
Oh, and I ended up getting an 11 in Japanese Civilizations!!! This mark, on top of the B I got changed to a B+ in Slang brings my GPA to a whopping 8.4 out of 12. This is the best year I have had now. I only needed a 7.0 to be eligible for the exchange and the $1000 travel bursary so I am good to go. If it weren't for linguistics, I'd have a really high average though. I may even get some scholarships next year. I just wish there were awards for getting really good in my Japanese major classes. Sigh
I gotta start cleaning Meaghan's room.
June is approaching, which means it is only a matter of time until I find out if I will be spending a good portion of next year in Fukuoka or not. We were told that we should get word sometime in June about our acceptance, so the only thing I can do is bug the ISS at school(in progress) and email Seinan Gakuin (also in progress). Then there are only a few things I need to do. Start studying Japanese again hardcore, and keep making money, anyway I can.... ANY way. I plan on focussing on my reading skills, both speed and kanji. I think this will pay off the most since I will need to read as soon as I arrive. I am going to leave my speaking until I arrive for the most part as that is the best way to practice. With Japanese people, who speak Japanese.
On a less optimistic note, I have come to terms that there is a chance I may not get in. I realize if this comes to be there is some good with the bad. I will have accumulated a large sum of savings with which I plan on investing if I don't get in(*knocks on wood*), I will get to go to Mac with Meaghan, and probably take classes with her, and I will get to spend more time with everyone I met this year at the university.
Oh, and I ended up getting an 11 in Japanese Civilizations!!! This mark, on top of the B I got changed to a B+ in Slang brings my GPA to a whopping 8.4 out of 12. This is the best year I have had now. I only needed a 7.0 to be eligible for the exchange and the $1000 travel bursary so I am good to go. If it weren't for linguistics, I'd have a really high average though. I may even get some scholarships next year. I just wish there were awards for getting really good in my Japanese major classes. Sigh
I gotta start cleaning Meaghan's room.
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