Monday, February 02, 2009

Christmas break edition

It occurred to me that the last entry may have been lacking in anything entertaining to the viewer, so I am going to try to improve (hard not to) on my last attempt.
Coming home for Christmas was pretty the most anticipated thing to me in recent history. I was counting down the days religiously, and was so looking forward to being home with friends and family and significant others. The concept itself of travelling from Hokkaido to Canada for the holidays seems straight-forward and if my life were a movie it might have been so. For whatever reasons, the gods have conspired to create a place in the world where leaving can be both long-winded and very expensive. Because of Monbestu`s location, getting anywhere is a bit of a pain. We have an airport…. Sadly there is only one flight a day, and that one flight only comes and goes on certain days. So I got home by:
-->Taking a 4 hour bus ride (the distance is only about the distance from Hamilton to Toronto, but there are billions of mountains in the way)
-->Staying in a hotel overnight (the bus didn`t arrive early enough to allow me to leave the same day)
-->Taking a 2 hour plane ride to Tokyo and finally getting on a plane to N. America
-->Connecting in Los Angeles for my flight to Toronto
Total travel time took roughly 40 hours and involved me almost having my flights cancelled due to a big snow storm, and I had to sit next to the two most obnoxious people from Los Angeles and listen to them chit-chat with the two worst Air Canada employees alive. Their inane prattle had me seriously hoping our plane would crash just to end it all. (They were complaining how badly people dress in New York amongst other things and he was wearing cords and construction boots… I rest my case). They could have powered the plane with the hot air these a-holes were producing. When he wasn`t on the phone talking about how much money he spends, he was on the phone picking new ringtones at full volume. The level of douche-baggery on this flight was blinding. I`m not bitter, I swear.
Anyhoo, Christine and I did lots of fantastic things over the break, like sleeping in and going to Niagara , shopping related things and general tomfoolery, We even got to go see some movies which was nice coming from a town with no movie theatre within 50 miles. I also got to spend Christmas with the family, which was really nice and ate so much I put on almost 10 pounds in just under 3 weeks (that’s just under 1 stone for any U.K. readers, har har). So there are probably pictures now showing stuff that happened.

The reason I returned to Japan a fat tub of goo. My mom`s sweet, sweet homecooking!

SEEE? We`re getting up to some pretty insane tomfoolery
We even visited my mom at her job. Warplane Heritage glory!!!
Mmmmm, pure man-made glory. Yeah, I said it. It was built by man. Crack a dictionary Poindexter.

Everything was as frozen as frozen could be. Everything that could be frozen was frozen, even Asian tourists.
Bill couldn`t take the cold so he thought the 300 foot drop would end the suffering. I had to quickly forge his Last Will and Testament signing all his things over to me before my hands froze.
The best part of the Falls was all the random shit they have everywhere. Like a poor/homless man`s Vegas. More wax museums per square km. than anywhere else in the world.

Time for Tim Hortons. A Canadian staple.
Best part about going to Niagara Falls to see the big coloured spotlights? NO FRIGGIN LIGHTS. We apparently went on the only day they don`t light up any of the falls. They didn`t even have the christmas lights on. Still fun.


Blogger Chris WJ Charlton said...

Sorry- this wasn't much better than the first! Bazongas!

Is it "MonBESTu" because it's the best? High-oh!

FUCK yeah to the Christmas dinner- Mine was quite awesome as well and I should have vomited so I could eat more. I didn't though :(

I think that warplane heritage picture is one of the best things ever.

10:12 p.m.  

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