Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Tokyo Judo Tour

I have finished my free tour of Tokyo and I am nearly done all "learning" at university here. I only have 2 more make up classes and then some weak exams and I'm done. Oh, and 3 extremely papers which I would be hard pressed to call essays. My plans for the last month in Japan are as follows: Go to the beach, maybe travel within Fukuoka. That's about it.

Anyway, I am posting all the Tokyo pictures on my MSN page, but here, I am going to post some funny ones I found. The first are from the airline emergency procedure manual..... ahem.In Case of Water Landing, inflate your vest, jump in the water, and vigourously masturbate, since you are probably going to drown very soon anyway.

In Case of Accidental landing in the flaming pits of Hell, follow the attendants orders
In an Emergency, babies should be spared a painful death by shooting their ass with deadly neurotoxin filled blow darts.
In Case of an emergency, performing self -fellatio is A-OK. Everyone else will be doing it any way. Also, making out with babies is acceptable.
In Japan, birds are the stupidest creatures and are for some reason used to represent the general public at train stations. Direct translation from Japanese: "Don't be a stupid fucking bird or serious harm will come to you."

On a more travel related note, Tokyo was pretty good. We got to take a plane there and that made travel a lot faster. We arrived Saturday afternoon and got to the hotel. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and touring Tokyo. The judo club payed for everything that was not souvenir and amusement related. We went to a nice restaurant at the airport for lunch, and I had a super delicious and probably unhealthy fried chicken sandwich. I am definitly going to make katsu for everyone when I get back. In my opinion, it is the finest honour you can give to a dead animals meat. On Sunday we had the tournament in the morning. I was scheduled for out schools 3rd match up, but our boys cleaned up in the 1st round and tied in the 2nd, so were were actually in contention for First place. At this point, I was pulled from the last round and replaced with a "black belt" because apparently, my months of training weren't good enough. I actually was not very upset, since I got to take pictures and was integral in loudly cheering and shouting "FIGHT!" at the top of my lungs. I did Karaoke Sunday night with some of the girls It was fun, and my view that all Japanese girls can sing relaly well was further reenforced.

On Monday, I set out on my own. I went to Tokyo tower and then to a place called Odaiba. Odaiba was supposed to be a great and magic-filled place, but apparently, the entire man-made island closes on Mondays. The super high-tech Panasonic centre was closed and every other attraction. Plus the weather was overcast and windy, so the trip out there really tired me out and made me feel crappy. On the way back, I stopped in Ginza, which was really really nice. I also found a Subway! That was perhaps the only thing that made me happy that day. A real turkey club sandwich on a toasted basil and garlic bun. All in all, I really like Tokyo, but being there with other people makes the experience way better, otherwise its kind of lonely.


Blogger Chris WJ Charlton said...

That sucks that you got pulled.

Maybe... next time?

"my view that all Japanese girls can sing relaly well was further reenforced."

You forgot about our friend Mayu.

1:23 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh man, we went to a denny's in tokyo for breakfast once. it was awesome! I think tokyo is like the only place in japan to have subways. We thought about going there, but we never got the chance.

2:15 a.m.  
Blogger Gorrozolla said...

to chris: touche~.

to meaghan: you missed a good sandwich.

8:35 a.m.  

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