Ok, so I was thinking to myself about my exchange interview yesterday when I though, Hey, I should write about it in my new blog, since my new blog is supposed to be about Japan, and this interview is very related to Japan. So here I go.
I went for my exchange interview on Thursday. This is an interview is done by my univesity to see if I am capable of going to Japan next year. If I make it past this stage all I have to do is wait to be accepted by a Japanese host university. During the interview I was asked 3 types of questions by 3 types of ladies. There was a woman who was responsible for questions about Japan, a woman responsible for financial queries, and a woman responsible for the acedemic aspects.
The Japan-related lady asked me questions first. Her first question, which I'm sure everyone was asked, was "why do you want to go on this exchange?" Now in this instance a unintelligent person would say "I dunno, seems like a cool thing to do." I however responded in a more positive way. I basically said how important learning Japanese was to me and how it is crucial that I learn it thouroughly so that I can graduate and excel afterwards in the field of translation. I told them that for my skills to progress far enough to become fluent, I would need to spend a significant amount of time there, as soon as possible. I think it worked out well. I considered what I said to be to the point and quite well put. The same lady asked me if I felt comfortable enough with my Japanese to survive alone, and I answered this by telling them about my 2 weeks in Japan, and how I didn't find it overwhelming.
Most of the following questions were money related. Things like how I am paying for the trip, and if I get into trouble, is there any chance of my parents helping me with money. I answered all their questions pretty confidently overall, so I am sure its gonna all work out. I should find out if I passed within two weeks, so I sit here with fingers crossed. As soon as I find out whether I passed this preliminary stage, I just have to wait until May or June to find out if Japan has accepted me. Huzzah.
On a more immune system-related note, I hate being sick. I had made it almost an entire year without being sick. I blame all the dirty, disease-filled vagrants of the greater Hamilton are and their insistence on riding the bus with me and spreading all their disease. Oh and all those people who come to lecture and tutorial while sick, as though missing 1 university class could seriously affect their grades. I am now talking several octaves lower because my throat is messed up. Its not really sore unless I talk, laugh or breathe. On the upside, I can sing Crash Test Dummies songs with ease for at least another day.