Saturday, August 09, 2008

Video and pictures!

I finally made it to the beach today!!! I was really nice aside from the cloudy weather. I found a lot of really neat shells though! The water is actually really warm, contrary to what every Japanese person I have met says. They all think 20C water is cold..... :S Anyway, I can't swim near here though because the beach is really steep and the undertow nearly pulled in after only taking two steps in. I saw a really nice looking spot from the top of the mountain that I am going to try my best to get to. It looks to be about a 30 or 40 minute bike ride.... which means I need to buy a bike.

I saw this dog. He saw me. That was as far as our relationship went. He didn't seem especially excited by my presence so I didn't go up to him. He did pose for me though :P The cat ran away as soon as it realized I didn't think it was a flower pot LOL.

There are so many fisherman here its not even funny.

Here is one of many typical Japanese mountains. It a crazy transition to perfectly flat ground and then sudden eruptions of mountains.
The crops suprised me in Hokkaido. It was the first time I ever saw hay, corn, and bean fields. It reminded me so much of home.
This was my Welcome Party. We all took part in some heavy "nomunication" as it were. A healthy combination of drinking alcohol "Nomu" and speaking each others language.
Then I met the Mayor! He's the guy on the left. Next is Stephen, then me, then some guy, and on the far right is Mr. Nishida. He is super nice and is the Top Dog at the Board of Education.
Our first Japanese meal in Tokyo. Room 2104 boys representing. Its Antonio, John, and me!
That's a pokemon plane..... DUH.
John took some high altitude shots for me. I didn't have a window seat!
Sapporo TV tower. The Japanese really have a thing for eiffel shaped towers :P


Blogger Chris WJ Charlton said...


I have lived here about 10 months and you have 3 billion more pieces of furniture than I do.
AND you`re near a mountain AND the sea?
AND you get paid triple what I do?

FUCK you!

9:24 p.m.  

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