Friday, September 15, 2006

New Shoes and a Lot of Homework to Boot

So, I taught some Japanese kids to use English the other day. I got to work for 2 days, which was a pain in that it was during the only free time I had this week, and good, because I got money practiced Japanese. I have even been invited to a picnidc in Ohori Park this coming Monday with the women who runs the English school. We get Monday off, since it is a national holiday for old people. I am also probably going to go to a festival on Sunday with my sister's boyfriend.

I bought some new running shoes today. They were really cheap but look great. They were $37 and look pretty stylish. I don't actually know if this post will show, since my blogger page is really messed up, but I will try anyway.

I have been slacking on my sleeping and studying duties as of late. I need to start studying vocabulary again for Japanese class. Each time the teacher asks us to read some kanji, I draw a blank since I only have reviewed the grammar. I have a feeling my mind doesn't want summer vacation to be over, but I'm slowly coming around and studying more and more. We are actually getting a good amount of homework in our Japanese classes. I need to go shopping for food tomorrow. I have decided to spend slightly more each week, so that I may consume a higher amount of protein and iron in the form of meat.

Oh, and I finally figured out how to use my new cellphone. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to change syllables from voiceless to voiced. Now I can write Japanese text messages YATTA!!!


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